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Love that for you - Hi-Fi Way ★★★★★

Tash York : Love that for you! @ The Kingfisher, Gluttony, Adelaide 29/2/2024

Gluttony Fringe Queen Tash York is back with a brand new show Love That For You! Always pushing her boundaries this show is armed with new material, all original songs and of course wine the Red Red Wines; Vivian Fonteyn and Peppy Smears.

The show started the only way a Tash York show can start; with a glitch. There was a bit of a hiccup with the “Welcome to country” announcement where it stopped, there was a long pause, she decided to make her entrance then it started again. An impromptu glitch never phases York in fact she relishes at unexpected mishaps declaring “What a delightful way to start!”. Always quick with a funny comeback, she steered the show back to a place of laughter.

A Tash York show is always educational. This time we learnt the meaning of the term ‘Love that for you!”, how she’s progressed as a woman, her diagnosis of ADHD and that she’s a maestro on the air piano! There’s plenty of improvised song antics, hilarious banter between her and the Red Red Wines, key readings and life stories that only can happen to Tash York!

While there’s lots of new things in this show; fun and catchy original songs, acronym rapping, bigger and redder hair some things don’t change; she’s still sculling wine. A lot of it! York says and feels how we all do, she just sings and cabarets it! Between Tash York, Vivian Fonteyn and Peppy Smears ‘Love That For You!’ is a barrel of wino fun!

Fringe Review By Anastasia Lambis



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